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Rejuvenative Foods Worker Application Form

Welcome to Rejuvenative Foods. We are interested in finding work that fits each individual. By filling out this form, you can help us find the position that is best suited for you.

If you are printing out this application for mailing or faxing, please use handwriting. We don't require this to be neat and we don't mind mistakes, so cross out any mistake by putting 1 single line through it and rewriting it.

Today's Date Your Name: Date of Birth:
Email: Phone #:
City: State: Zip:
How did you first find out about Rejuvenative Foods?

Note: It is fine if personal or work references are from out of this area.
Work Reference:
Company Name: Phone #:
City: State: Zip:
Boss/Employer Name:
Description of the work:

Approximate dates that you started and stopped? From: To:
Reason for leaving?

Work Reference:
Company Name: Phone #:
City: State: Zip:
Boss/Employer Name:
Description of the work:

Approximate dates that you started and stopped? From: To:
Reason for leaving?

Work Reference:
Company Name: Phone #:
City: State: Zip:
Boss/Employer Name:
Description of the work:

Approximate dates that you started and stopped? From: To:
Reason for leaving?

Name of a personal reference: Phone #:

Name of a personal reference: Phone #:

Name of a personal reference: Phone #:

What are your strongest personality traits?

What are your strongest worker aptitudes?

What are your weakest worker aptitudes?

What are your goals?

What are your hobbies?

Do you have a car that you would be willing to use to run errands for 55 cents a mile? Yes No

What experiences have you had working that you didn't like?

What type of work do you like the most?

Please describe your propensity to follow through on doing what you say you're going to do (including showing up to work on time):

If you find that you want to continue to work for Rejuvenative foods, how long might that be?

How would you rate your mathematics aptitude?

How many hours a week would you like to work for Rejuvenative Foods?

What days are you available to work?

What hours are you available to work?

What days aren't you available to work?

What hours aren't you available to work?

LIST OF WORK - Indicate with a Y for yes, N for no, and M for maybe which jobs you would like to do.
Telemarketing: Food Production Work: Being a team leader: Purchasing: Training Other Workers: Computer Work: Research: Errands : Misc. Office : Paper Work: Cleaning: *Writing:
*If yes, please describe your writing experience and writing aptitudes:

What type of computer experience do you have?

What computer programs are you familiar with?